Food Safety Courses

BASICS.fst is a food safety training course for food handlers. The course will allow workers to learn important information about food safety and provide them with the tools to serve safe food.
Who Should Take the Course?
Any person who works with food should study BASICS.fst® – from the person that receives the food to the person who packages or serves the food.
*contact us for upcoming classes and resources to be sent to you
BASICS.fst 4th Edition with Webcam Exam 2021

Course Overview:
ADVANCED.fst® is a management level food safety training course. The course will help food handlers and management within the Foodservice/ Food Retail sectors learn important information about food safety. It will help them to do their job better. The information and recommendations in this course are based on the Food Retail and Food Services Regulation (FRFSRC) and the Food Retail and Food Services Code (FRFSC), Health Canada and The Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Who Should Take the Course?
This course is designed for owner/operators, managers, chefs and any employee who wants to take their food safety knowledge to the next level.
*contact us for upcoming classes and resources to be sent to you
Advanced.fst 4th Edition with Webcam Exam 2021

Allergen Training
Course Overview:
While general food safety training courses provide basic information on food allergy, overall, the foodservice and food retail industries still need a more in-depth understanding of the seriousness of food intolerances, food allergies, and anaphylaxis.
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to teach you important information about managing food allergens in your work environment and help you to understand your role in keeping allergic consumers safe.
*contact us for upcoming classes and resources to be sent to you
Allergen Training For the Foodservice and Food Retail Industry 2nd Edition